Workshop information and supply lists will be published
in Coastlines newsletter and posted here as they
become available. The
fee for one-day workshops is $40. Sign-ups
for each workshop begin two months prior and we expect these
excellent teachers to sell out fast. Workshops not filled
two months in advance will be opened to non-members for
an increased fee. Enroll by providing a check payable to
Coastal Quilter's Guild to the Workshop Chair. All
programs are subject to change.
Workshops are held from 9am - 3:30pm unless otherwise indicated.
Goleta Community Center... Rm. 2
5679 Hollister Ave. • Goleta, CA 93117
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List of Teachers Who Have Presented at Coastal Quilters Guild - 1990 through 2016: Alpha by Last Name || By Year
January 14 - 15

Sandra Bruce
"Material Matrix & The Paths Taken"

This is a presentation using images and quilts to show Sandra's background, work, and an overview of her process called "Material Matrix, and how it all comes together using color, design, composition, and serendipity.
Workshop January 15
Material Matrix - Sew Ready
This is a six- hour class where students use a provided photo to experience and learn the "Material Matrix" process. Some of the points covered are: choosing the right photo, how to interpret a photo using a grid, value and color, curved piecing, using a mix of prints and solids, and ideas about quilting your project. The goal is to have each student leave the class confident enough to finish the quilt (approximately 18" x 20") and go on to do more complicated images. The supply list is short and sweet.
$3 Materials Fee: includes printed materials, color copy, shared fabric
Supply List: Important - be sure you get a copy of the photo of the project when you sign up.

“Sew Ready”, 18” by 20”
Sandra Bruce Website
February 11 - 12

Cynthia England
"Creating a Pictorial Quilt"

"The Power of Houston"
An entertaining digital PowerPoint presentation showing the process of making pictorial quilts using Cynthia's "Picture-piecing" technique. Enlarging the design, fabric selection, and organizational methods are discussed in detail. A question and answer session to follow.
Workshop Feb 12
Small Landscape Class
My most popular class...choose from two small landscapes: Wine Country or Down the Road. Both are approx. 19” X 17”. No tracing involved; templates are preprinted onto freezer paper. Fabric selection, organizational skills and construction methods will be addressed in class. Sewing machines and irons required.
Kit fee: $35 Required
Supply List (this file is in a .tiff format)

Cynthia England Website
March 10

Cathie Hoover
"Retrospective Trunk Show"

A truly moo-ving experience. Utilizing Holstein cows in my designs was a natural for me even before moving to Moo-desto. The graphic black and white patterns on these cows and their gentle nature appeal to me.
Cathie Hoover's Website
Previously scheduled workshop March 11 has been canceled. |
April 14
Quilt College
Tips and Techniques
This program will feature three of our talented members presenting tips, techniques, and projects that are sure to amaze, amuse and entertain, as well as educate. This time, we are fortunate to have Karen Pickford, Irelle Beatie, and Darilyn Kisch on our faculty.
Karen will demonstrate 2-fabric appliqué, a method she has adapted for Hawiian quilts. Along with a Power Point presentation of the steps involved, she will show several quilts made using this method.
Download "2-Fabric Quilts" (Powerpoint file)
Tired of hand-sewing your bindings, but afraid they won't look good if done by machine? Irelle to the rescue, as she teaches us how to do a completely machine-sewn binding - and with a flange, no less!
View 'Suzie's Magic Binding"
Darilyn is back with the very latest in cool tips and tools for quilters. Which unassuming, ordinary household item could actually be playing a starring role in your quilting room? Tune in in April to find out that and more!
Download "Cool Tools 2016" (Word .docx file)
April 15
Community Qults
Sew In |
There WILL be a Free Sew-In on April 15 dedicated to Community Quilts
Goleta Valley Community Center from
9am to 3pm
- If you are working on a project for Community Quilts, bring it to work on.
- If you do not have a specific project, there will be some small projects for you to work on; bring your sewing machine with walking foot and neutral thread.
- If you just want to join the fun but not bring your machine, there will be projects for you.
- Bring your rotary cutter with a new blade and a long ruler; make sure your name is on them; cutting mats will be provided
Bring your lunch or plan to get locally. Snacks will be provided courtesy of Trader Joe's. |
May 12 |
Guild Challenge
"Games People Play"

Entries will be collected at the April meeting, and will be presented for viewing and voting at the May guild meeting. We hope lots of people have already finished (or at least started!) working on their entry.
Your entry can be any quilt inspired by games - board games, card games, video or arcade games, sports, even mind games… There are a lot of places to gowith this one, and you can be as literal (or not!) as you like! But remember, all quilts must measure 24 inches square.
Apart from the size requirement, there are very few rules:
• Only 1 entry per member
• Each entry must be labeled
• It must have a 2” - 4” hanging sleeve
• Each entry must be submitted in a labeled pillowcase and accompanied by a completed entry form
May 14 - Saturday
Open Sew |
There will be an Open-Sew at the Goleta Valley Community Center from 9am to 3pm at which you can work on any project you want -- such as your quilt for the Show in September.
Details will be in the Newsletter and announced at the Guild meeting. |
June 9
- 10

Claudia Dallas Gomez
"Motion is Lotion"

“Motion is Lotion” is about drawing the connection between Movement and Creativity. It’s storytelling with slides of color and encouragement, dished up with fun, humor and a little dancing in the aisles. Follow the artist and former dancer as she shares her daily habits that promote living in the creative zone. Included is an Inspirational story about the artist’s 96 yr old mom and the fateful box of fabrics changed everything. This one hour lecture will lift your spirits and have you waving your arms to health, longevity and living the COLORFUL life! A display of Modern quilts, quilted objects, and hand dyed fabrics will accompany the lecture.
Workshop June 10
The Cushy Tushy: A Modern Toteable Box Cushion
Learn the secrets of professional upholsterers and make your own modern box cushion. This is not your ordinary cushion. It’s firm yet lush to provide proper support for hours of free motion quilting. It comes with its own shoulder strap so you can tote it to the next class, meeting, or game.
The Cushy Tushy: Modern design that adds comfort and style for your sitting pleasure. A kit of foam, upholstery batting and cording is provided. You bring your own quilted tops ready to assemble into a fabulous Cushy Tushy. Pattern and details are provided in the supply list. Finished size: 16”x16”x3”
Kit Required: $29 (includes foam, batting, cotton cording, and use of upholstery adhesive spray)
Supply List

Claudia Dallas Gomez Website
July 14 |
Member Potluck & Library Book Sale
Honoring Our New Members!
* New Member Welcome Packets
* Fun & Games
* Enjoy a delicious buffet dinner, make new friends, and catch up with old friends!
Please plan to join us. More information to follow in the July Newsletter.

July 16
"Ready Set Finish It"
with Carol Fay
Here's your chance to work on your quilt show quilts in the company of friends and the presence of experienced quilter Carol Fay. Carol can help you resolve any problems that might be getting in the way of progress, and you'll have six+ hours of uninterrupted sewing time to move those UFO's toward the finish line! Hope to see you there!
Goleta Valley Community Center from 9am - 3pm
(or any part of that time) and let's get those quilts done! |
August 11

No Workshop this month. |
Pamela Joy Dransfeldt - The Joyful Quilter!
"The Life of a Long-Arm Quilter"
Pam has turned a lifelong enthusiasm for quilting into a successful home business. Pamela started quilting in 1977 and began entertaining thoughts of machine quilting in 1999 before purchasing her first machinein 2000. It filled what used to be her family’s living room and dining room! She started her business with a small, but loyal customer base all the while continuing to work part-time in a hospital billing office. Pam continued along this path for seven years before retiring and focusing fully on machine quilting in 2007. She maintains a busy schedule that keeps quilts lining her machine, while still providing the quality and time her customers deserve. She is able to provide customers with a variety of quilting options, from edge
to edge pantographs to detailed custom work. She also makes her own quilts and collects vintage quilts. She says, "I love quilting and love sharing quilting with others!”
Pam's Website


September 8

No Workshop this month
Quilt Show
Sept. 17 - 18
Ranell Hansen
"Evolving as a Quilt Artist."
Many of us have taken her adult ed classes, worked with her on “long-arming” our quilts, and enjoyed touring her studio in Carpinteria. All Guild members have benefited from her myriad contributions to our group over the years--she’s always willing to step in and lend a hand, and a smile, wherever needed. Her quilts have been included in prestigious exhibitions including the National Quilt Festival, Road to California, and the Pacific International Quilt Festival. She exhibits locally with FiberVision and is also a member of Studio Art Quilt Associates.

October 13 - 14

Kim Fauth
"ABCD Quilting"
In this presentation, Kim will describe the ABCD Quilting process, which will be the basis for the Workshop project. ABCD Quilting consists of 32 blocks, which can be made in three hours, then juxtaposed to create an infinite number of different looks and patterns. There is no paper piecing, special rulers or templates. Once the blocks are created, Kim will show us the many ways in which they can be designed to make quilts.

Workshop October 14
Students will learn to make the 32 blocks used in the ABCD QUILTING BOOK. They will design their own quilt in class and begin constructing a finished product.
They will come to class with 5" squares precut according to the Supply List. The first three hours will be spent sewing the 32 blocks using the ABCD Technique. During lunch there will be a mini trunk show describing how to design using the blocks. The time after lunch is spent squaring the blocks and designing.
Supply List
Kim Fauth Website
November 10 - 11

Kristin Otte
"Life Lessons from 25 Years of Quilting"
A Slide and Trunk Show cataloging Kristin’s quilts and lessons learned along the way.
Workshop November 11
Using Leftovers: A Selvedge Project
Kristin shares her technique for making a small format (8.5” x 10”) wall-hanging construction using selvedges. We’ll discuss color choices, composition and new techniques. The project uses fusible interfacing and selvedges to make a unique small format collage piece. You may quilt it, or not, and finish to hang on the wall. A pattern and some supplies will be provided at a small cost.
Supply List

December 8

Holiday Party and Potluck
